Sunday, December 31, 2006

Another year over ...

Well, almost. The year is winding up & the house is relatively quiet. My dgd (darling goalie daughter) is at a New's Year Slumber Bash, dh & the two ds's are downstairs playing ping pong and here I sit pondering what resolutions I will make that I CAN keep.

1. Try to have no more than 3 WIP's at a time.

2. Finish the WIP's that I start.

3. Go on a yarn diet (but I CAN still buy more Addi Turbo circs!)

4. Lose a bit out weight & get a tad more fit!

5. Organize, organize, organize.

6. Knit items to sell at Fall Fair.

7. Knit (& complete) Christmas gifts for 2007 and put away all year.

Well, I think 7 is more than enough - lol

Well, all the best to you and yours in the coming year.

~ Sherri